Every year, South Suburban College offers an abundance of scholarships. These scholarships come with certain guidelines to apply, but there are many to choose from and one could be waiting for you. Unsure of how to get started? Not an issue! This post will help you get started or hopefully encourage you to apply. There are a total of five steps.
Step one is extremely simple. Find the scholarship booklet around campus. It looks like this:
Or you can click on this link to take a look at the scholarships online: http://www.ssc.edu/admissions-registration/scholarships/.
Underneath each scholarship, there are requirements needed to apply, so make sure to read carefully. It may also help to speak with a counselor if you are second guessing your eligibility. It never hurts to apply, even if you do not fully meet all of the credentials. You might end up surprising yourself. Here is an example of some of the scholarships and requirements:
After you have your list of scholarships together, the next step (I suggest) would be to speak with an SSC faculty member that knows you well enough to give you a letter of recommendation. This is why it is important to form a bond with professors while you’re here. They go beyond the call of just being your instructor, and many will be happy that you asked for their help.
Having fun yet? Next, get your thinking cap on. It is time to write your personal essay stating how the scholarship(s) will benefit you. Spend some time on this part. Make sure to mention your chosen career path so they get a better understanding of your direction. Another pointer: Triple check your grammar, along with punctuation before printing. You do not want to come off uneducated, so try having a family member or friend proofread your work, if possible. You’ll be amazed at how much team work can help you out. One last note, your statement is only 250 words or less, so don’t panic.
How are you feeling? Excited? Tired? It’s understandable, but you are so close to the finish line. Time to take a look at the actual application form. You can view it here and/or print it here: http://www.ssc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/StudentScholarshipApp2017.pdf. This is what it should look like:
Take your time filling each section out carefully so there will be no need for white out. Now, before placing everything together, there is one more important detail. You need to print out a current transcript of your grades. Those can be located in the SSC portal under academic profile.
Deep breath. Inhale and exhale slowly. You’re finished! I would paperclip all of the material together, rather than staple. It might make it easier for the individuals reading your submission. You can turn in your completed forms to the Foundation Office (Room 2134) or the Financial Aid Office (Room 2355). But remember, the deadline is closing in (March 31st) so don’t wait!