Student Life and Leadership is dedicated to enhancing the student experience outside of the classroom. Student Life focuses on developing leadership skills, student engagement and creating a vibrant campus community through various programs, events and activities.

Office Hours

Monday & Thursday:
8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

(Closed on Fridays During the Summer)

Room 2329 – Main Campus

TEL: (708) 596-2000 ext. 5737


Upcoming Events

View The Fall 2024 Student Services Events Calendar

Suicide Prevention and Awareness Month is recognized in September. Visual reminders will be displayed throughout campus to inform everyone that they are important, needed and make a difference.

Women’s History Month is celebrated in March. Additionally, both Financial Literacy Month and Sexual Assault Awareness Month are recognized in April, and Pride Month is observed in June. For details about events, contact the Office of Student Life and Leadership at (708) 596-2000, ext. 5737.

Student Government Association

The Student Government Association is a student-led group that strives to promote student activities, keep active communications among all segments of the College community and address student concerns and grievances. If you are interested in joining, see the Student Government Association Constitution (SGA) Constitution for roles and responsibilities. For additional inquiries contact SGA Advisor, Danielle Whitted or call (708) 596-2000, ext. 2346.

SSC Voices Forum

SSC CARES (Community, Accessibility, Respect, Excellence, Sustainability) hosts virtual forums with the SSC community members to discuss diversity at South Suburban College. View some previous SSC CARES forums:

Equity Matters: Workforce, Education, and Community

“Equity Matters” Workforce, Education and Community” 2/16/23

SSC CARES about Diversity

“SSC Cares About Diversity” 6/23/22

A photo of a bag of food
SSC Healthy Corner

Every Monday in Room 1157 on the Main Campus

10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

This is an on-campus food pantry for students to receive healthy food options. Students must present a valid SSC ID for access.

Sponsored by the Greater Chicago Food Depository and ECMC/Project Success Foundation