Main Campus
Academic Assistance Center
(Room 2264)


Monday – Thursday:
8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.

8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Closed on Saturdays & Sundays


Monday – Thursday:
8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Closed Friday, Saturday and Sunday

TEL: (708) 596-2000 ext. 2397


Oak Forest Center
Academic Assistance Center
(Room 5183)

Wednesdays and Thursdays:
3:30 – 7:00 p.m.

Closed Saturday and Sunday
Closed Fridays in the Summer

The Oak Forest Center is located at
16333 S. Kilbourn Ave. in Oak Forest, IL

Directions to
Oak Forest Center

Academic Assistance Center (AAC)

The AAC offers several services, including in-person and virtual one-on-one tutoring sessions, study groups, placement review prep, Structured Learning Assistance (SLA) and Student Success Seminars. More info:

Faculty-Led Tutoring

In addition to services provided by the AAC, faculty-led tutoring is available through the Math 1:40 Club, Math Lab, Speaking Center, Writing Center and Reading Center. Learn more:

Brainfuse is the 24/7 live help for select subjects.
It is accessible through D2L.

Access D2L

The Academic Assistance Center is accepting applications for student tutors. Email William Radtke for details.

Student Responsibilities

You Must Attend Class!

Do not expect the tutor to do your work. You are required to study, complete homework, and identify the problem areas which need clarification before attending the tutoring sessions. It is your responsibility to bring your books and class notes to your tutoring session.

We ask that you respect your fellow students while you take advantage of our services at the Academic Assistance Center. Please take time to review our Academic Assistance Center Student Guidelines.

  1. The AAC is a space for learning and studying. To maintain that space, socialization is not permitted in the AAC. Cell phones should be turned off or set on vibrating alarm. Students must step outside the AAC to take calls.
  2. No music without headphones. Headphones are acceptable as long as music cannot be heard by anyone else.
  3. No food is allowed in the AAC. Only drinks with sealable lids can be consumed in the AAC.
  4. Children under 11 are not allowed in the AAC. Please speak with an AAC full-time staff member to see what accommodations are possible.
  5. The AAC backdoor is not for student use. The backdoor should only be used in emergencies, for deliveries, or for certain individuals with disabilities. Individuals with disabilities must receive permission from the AAC manager beforehand.
  6. All students should familiarize themselves with South Suburban College’s Student Codes of Conduct found in the South Suburban College Catalog including, but not limited to, the following:
    • Refusal to comply with reasonable directions of College officials acting in the performance of their duties.
    • Disorderly conduct or any conduct considered lewd, indecent, or obscene, including profane or abusive language toward members of College community.
    • Violation of this code of conduct is considered grounds for sanction against the party or parties involved and, if the situation should warrant, binding over to civil authorities for appropriate action.
  1. There is a limit of one tutor appointment per subject per day per student. If more tutoring is needed, student may wait for the next available tutor.
  2. Appointments are reserved for SSC students only.
  3. Students must present their student ID card when arriving for a tutoring appointment. Appointments and rescheduling are available in person, over the phone at (708) 596-2000 ext. 2397, and online by emailing
  4. Tutoring appointments are dependent on a tutor’s availability.
  5. A tutoring appointment is available for 1 hour per student per subject per student.
  6. Tutors are not responsible for doing the student’s homework. The student must bring textbooks and study his/her own homework.
  7. Students who arrive more than fifteen (15) minutes late will lose their appointment and can get tutoring help on a walk-in basis ONLY (first come, first served) for the rest of the day.
  8. The AAC front desk attendant has the authority to assign a different tutor. The assigned tutor may be subject to change.

Placement Review Sessions for Incoming Students

SSC requires students who intend to pursue a degree of certificate to take a college placement tests in Reading, English, and Mathematics. The placement exams ensure that all new students are placed into courses which are appropriate to their skill level. If you would like to test your math skills before scheduling your MATH PLACEMENT TEST, try out our math review packet.

The Placement Review Sessions are provided to help students prepare for placement/compass test. All sessions are scheduled between every Fall, Spring, and Summer semester and are held in Room 2264 (Academic Assistance Center) located on the second floor of the Main Campus or in Room 5183 located on the first floor of the Oak Forest Center, 16333 S. Kilbourn Ave., Oak Forest, IL. Contact the Academic Assistance Center for dates and times for upcoming placement review sessions.

Placement Review Sessions for Incoming Students packet

Open Study Groups

Open study groups are scheduled each semester for particular subjects or student populations. Students can come and work on their homework and study with their classmates or a tutor. Past examples have included our MTH 095/100 study groups, our statistics study groups, and the SSC Black Men’s study group. Smaller study groups (2-5 Students) are available and can be formed by request. A minimum of two students can request a recurring appointment with a tutor for a particular class.

Equipment Available for Student Success in the AAC:

The Academic Assistance Center has a computer lab with:

  • 21 computers for student and community use.
  • Speed reading software for Reading class students.
  • Specialized computer software for Math.
  • Specialized equipment and software for Students with Disabilities.
  • 2 iMacs with graphic design (Adobe Creative Suite) software

The Academic Assistance Center also have equipment for Students with Disabilities:

  • An OPTELE 20/20 enlarger and ZoomText are available for the visually impaired.
  • JAWS is a voice activated computer program for the blind and students with a visual impairment.
  • READ: OUT LOUD reads eBooks out loud.
  • SPEECH-TO-TEXT program is for vision impaired and special needs students.

A built-in web browser that reads the Internet and adjustable workstations to accommodate wheelchairs
are also available in the AAC.

SSC staff is here for YOU!

Visit the AAC if you need more information.