Non-Credit Classes Are Still and Option This Summer at South Suburban College

SOUTH HOLLAND, IL–South Suburban College’s Continuing Education Department is offering a variety of non-credit classes for area residents of all ages and interests. A new schedule of classes in areas such as creative arts, computers, professional development, and much more will begin June 20th and later at the Main Campus in South Holland and the Oak Forest Center (OFC).

The following classes represent only a portion of the available selections this summer:

ART E65-Textile Art Décor
Fee: $49

Using a variety of fabrics, students will learn how to create a unique piece of artwork. This workshop will explore textile variations, colors, and unlimited creativity with fabric. There is an additional charge of $20 to be paid to instructor for frame materials on the first night of class. Also, students will be instructed what type of fabric to purchase during the first class.

ART E65 730 12:00-4:00p S OFC-5240 Morrison 6/20
ART E65 731 12:00-4:00p S OFC-5240 Morrison 7/11
ART E65 732 12:00-4:00p S OFC-5240 Morrison 7/25
ART E65 733 12:00-4:00p S OFC-5240 Morrison 8/1
ART E65 734 12:00-4:00p S OFC-5240 Morrison 8/8

BUS E03–Trade Worldwide in Nine Weeks
Fee: $95

Students will learn what it takes to be self-employed in import or export (or both) of goods or services with this step-by-step hands-on nine week seminar delivered over the internet. Learn how to develop your product or service, find the best suppliers, best customers, work with banks, currency issues, insurance companies, government agencies and other trade entities. Weekly live sessions online and after the formal nine weeks’ course. Required textbook must be purchased online from instructor.

BUS E03 730 8:00-10:00p W Online Spiers 6/24-8/19

EDU C18–Substitute Teaching as an Observational Career Path
Fee: $119, Prerequisite: EDU C17

This course is suitable for students considering substitute teaching as a career path or for current practitioners desiring to upgrade their teaching skills. It provides students with an opportunity to conduct classroom observations in elementary, middle and high school settings and to discuss learning outcomes observed in those classrooms. Students are responsible for their own placement and for individual school district requirements to visit and observe in classrooms to fulfill course requirements. Upon completion of both the seminar and the class a certificate of completion will be issued.

EDU C18 730 9:00-12:00p S OFC-5760 Mertens 6/20-8/8

FDS E10–Food Service Certification
Fee: $119

This course is designed to assist the manager or potential manager of any food service operation to apply food service sanitation. Topics to be included are sanitation and health, sanitary food and food handling, safe food environment, sanitation and the customer, and sanitation management. Students must attend all class sessions-to be eligible to take exam. Once licensed, course must be taken every five years as part of the license renewal process. Required textbook is available in the college bookstore and must be purchased before first class meeting

FDS E10 730 10:00-1:00p MT MA-2470 Jamison 6/22-6/30
FDS E10 731 5:00-8:00p MT MA-2470 Jamison 7/20-7/28

Continuing Education at SSC is also offering courses to help fill the summer days with activities that will entertain and challenge children and young adults. The majority of the College for Kids classes scheduled for this summer will begin the week of June 22nd. In addition, SSC will offer a Jam Session Day Camp for $329, beginning on June 29, 2015. This four-week summer school program is less than $5 per hour for academics and fun enrichment programs three days a week.

Students with classes totaling $100 or more may be eligible for the FACTS deferred tuition payment plan. Access class schedule online from to search the Summer Continuing Education Schedule, or call (708) 596-2000, ext. 2231.