South Suburban College Foundation Goals

  • To continue funding existing scholarship and academic assistance programs, and to initiate new scholarships.
  • To fund research and development projects that support curriculum development in new and emerging technologies, or to apply state-of-the-art technology to existing curricula.
  • To support cultural activities within the college and invite community participation in these events.

Greetings from the South Suburban College Foundation

As we reflect on the past year and the great impact your generosity had on South Suburban College students, the upcoming Academic Year will be especially critical to the future of SSC and the Foundation. The state budget impasse put additional stress on the college and student financial need. In spite of the challenges, SSC will continue to provide high quality, affordable education and support services.

The Chicago Southland was one of the hardest hit metro areas during the most recent recession. Creating a qualified workforce is an essential factor in rebuilding. We believe that SSC is uniquely positioned to close the skill gaps in the community and align graduates’ credentials with industry and occupational demands through programs tailored to our own community workforce needs.

SSC provides these programs at a tuition which is over 50% less than any other postsecondary institution in our region. Yet, college tuition even at this level continues to remain beyond reach for too many bright young minds. As a result, we are setting a fundraising goal of $200,000 to directly impact and support student success beginning with our Scholarship Donor Drive. By providing scholarships, the SSC Foundation will enable our next generation and returning adult students to pursue their college dreams and successfully enter the workforce.

Thank you again for your continued support of SSC. If you have any questions, please email the SSC Foundation.