Week of Events
Earth Day
Earth Day
Please support the campus wide initiative by donating recyclable items and receive a thank you gift! All contributions will be taken to the Center for Hard to Recycle Materials (CHaRM) for proper processing.
SAAM Day: Clothesline Project & “Start By Believing” Pledge
SAAM Day: Clothesline Project & “Start By Believing” Pledge
Create your own paper t-shirt with a message of hope to sexual assault survivors, then add your creation to the makeshift clothesline in the Multicultural Wellness Center (Room 2348) on the second floor of the Main Campus. Paper, markers, and other supplies will be available for use. Take the “Start by Believing” Pledge: write out …
“Financial Literacy Month” – Why the Rich get Richer!
“Financial Literacy Month” – Why the Rich get Richer!
Learn the keys to building a lifestyle of financial independence and freedom.
Book Club Meeting
Book Club Meeting
The SSC Book Club will meet as follows: Thursday, April 24, 2025 at 2 p.m. in Room 4152 on the fourth floor of the Main Campus to share a report on a book of your choice Thursday, March 6, 2025 at 2 p.m. in Room 4152 on the fourth floor of the Main Campus to …
Arbor Day
Arbor Day
Pick up your free tree-planting starter kit! Help us grow a greener future, one tree at a time.