The AAC’s tutoring program offers our students tutoring from peer, professional, and faculty tutors. Approximately 12 academic providers are available to assist our students in one-on-one in-person in Math, English, and Reading tutors are scheduled daily (other classes are subject to availability). Small and large group tutoring is also available for specific courses.
Tutoring is available by walk-in and by appointment as well as tutoring sessions over Zoom. In-person tutoring appointments are available on a first-come, first-served basis for a maximum of one hour per session. Tutoring appointments are limited to SSC students for currently registered credit classes only. Scheduled appointments are recommended. For tutoring outside AAC hours, 24/7 tutoring in select subjects is available through Brainfuse. Brainfuse can be accessed through D2L.
Online tutoring will be conducted over Zoom. Appointments are not required to receive assistance, but they are encouraged.
Every semester Student Success Seminars are conducted on a variety of topics including navigating online courses, staying organized, time management, and other course specific topics.
We also offer students Placement Review Prep sessions between each Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters as well as appointments for proofreading class papers.
Tutoring Program Goals
- To serve SSC students and the community.
- To help SSC students become independent learners.
- To help students achieve better grades.
- To create a safe, equitable, and inclusive environment for all SSC students and community members.
- To build student confidence through skill development.
Tutoring Program Objectives
- Provide tutoring and other academic assistance to SSC students and community members.
- Emphasize active learning strategies that show students how to learn.
- Train staff in inclusive tutoring practices.
- Regularly incorporate student feedback into our services.
- Provide extra assistance for students who need more support.
- Provide additional opportunities and materials for review and practice.
- Provide seminars on skills students need to succeed at SSC and beyond.
You will be greeted by a knowledgeable and cheerful staff.
We have equipment that makes text books easier to read.
Tutoring can be one at a time or in a group.
Frequently Asked Questions About the Tutoring Program at SSC
All SSC students and community members are eligible for free in-person or online tutoring through the AAC. Tutoring is available by walk-in and by appointment as well as virtual tutoring sessions over Zoom. Walk-in tutoring is available in Rm. 2264 on the SSC Main Campus and Rm. 5183 at the Oak Forest Center. Tutoring appointments are limited to currently registered SSC students. Please email AcademicAssistanceCenter@ssc.edu for the current tutoring hours at the Oak Forest Center.
While tutoring is often associated with struggling in class, everyone can benefit from tutoring! Students who go to tutoring receive individualized attention, a unique learning experience, and additional guided practice when needed. Students who go to tutoring benefit in several ways: They benefit from increased comprehension, improved academic performance, and better self-esteem. Most importantly, tutoring helps students become independent learners who can take charge of their learning. In other words, tutors help the student help themselves so that the student can succeed on their own at SSC and beyond.
Students can schedule appointments in person in Rm. 2264, over the phone by calling (708) 596-2000 ext. 2397, or by emailing AcademicAssistanceCenter@ssc.edu. When requesting an appointment, please let the staff member know what course you need assistance with, what times you are available, and whether you would prefer an in-person or online tutoring appointment. Once a tutor and meeting time is settled on, the staff member will input your appointment into our calendar. Appointment reminder cards or email reminders can be given out on request. If your appointment is online, the staff member will give you our Zoom ID in person or by email.
Students should go to tutoring as early as possible!
No two students are alike. Some students may only need a single question answered, and some may need to meet with a tutor regularly throughout the semester to keep up. However, going to a tutor does not replace practice or studying. As a student, you need to regularly work through the material on your own to build comprehension and understanding. If you only work on practice problems during the tutoring session, then you will only get so far. A tutor can show you how to solve equations and different ways to understand the material, but the tutor cannot make you learn.
Even if you only have one question, getting that question answered will help you move forward with the material. No question is too small and you never know what material will be important later on. There is no shame in using whatever resources you need to succeed. If you are struggling or falling behind in your course, it is much easier to catch up earlier in the semester than later in the semester. There is only so much a tutor can do to assist at the last minute. Cramming at the last minute is not an effective learning strategy!